Established in 2014, BlackBolt Productions is an animation powerhouse studio with a Head office in the USA and a business office in INDIA. BlackBolt is one of the largest rapidly growing Animation studio.
BlackBolt stands for Digital Power House and it is one of the most important animation’s structure in India. We are a full-service Animation Production company specializing in the areas of producing quality content. We have worked on various Commercials, TV series and CG Games including entertainment, and edutainment. We have our global presence in Animation, Media & Entertainment and Advertising Industry. The content developed by us is been well appreciated by our clients present in Europe, Middle East, USA, UK and Latin America.
We are dedicated to provide specialized services to fulfill the current organizational needs by understanding the importance and secrecy of the business related information and giving it our due importance. We adopt a fact based and structured approach in our assignments to ensure it’s successful completion and to meet expected end results. We manage skilled talent resource pool committed to meet our client’s expectation’s level and their diversified demand.
We promise our clients Excellent working Experience and On time project delivery